Home 9 Health & Wellness Blog Updates | Advanced Integrated Health 9 Can ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS/TOXINS cause PCOS?


Oct 24, 2022 | Health & Wellness Blog Updates | Advanced Integrated Health

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Recent research shows that ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS can cause Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which is when a women’s body produces excessive amounts of ANDROGENS or TESTOSTERONE, hormones associated with both reproduction and MALE sex characteristics. PCOS is the MOST COMMON hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. It is also the number one reason for INFERTILITY in this country, and may lead to other serious health challenges. Can ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS/TOXINS cause PCOS?

Beyond genetics, little is known about the UNDERLYING CAUSES of PCOS. However, scientists and medical experts now believe that ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS such as NUTRITION (DIET), EXERCISE, STRESS, SLEEP and EXPOSURE TO TOXINS such as ENDOCRINE-DISRUPTING CHEMICALS (EDCs)) now play a major role.

 In CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE, NO CURE exists for PCOS, except DRUGS and/or SURGERY to suppress symptoms. FUNCTIONAL/FOUNDATIONAL medicine looks to uncover ROOT CAUSES of PCOS, including NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES and CELLULAR TOXICITY.  Addressing these UNDERLYING CAUSES can safely improve quality of life while reducing the risk of developing other diseases besides PCOS, such as DIABETES, HEART DISEASE and even some CANCERS.


How does PCOS affect HORMONES?

PCOS disrupts the balance of both FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE (FSH), the hormone that causes the follicle and egg to develop and LUTENIZING HORMONE (LH), the hormone that causes the follicle to release the egg.

Eventually, SMALL CYSTS are formed in the ovary, which disrupts a woman’s ENDOCRINE (hormonal) BALANCE.


What are the Symptoms of PCOS?

  • Irregular menstrual periods
  • Excessive BODY or FACIAL HAIR
  • Acne
  • Sleep Apnea. This is a condition marked by pauses in breathing while you sleep and a feeling of exhaustion even after a full night of rest
  • Male-pattern BALDNESS
  • Obesity and/or unexplained weight gain

NOTE: When women lose just 7 percent of their body weight, they can greatly reduce symptoms like an irregular menstrual cycle. In fact, MOST of the HORMONAL ABSORMALITIES seem to resolve.

  • Infrequent or absent menstruation in adolescents
  • Pregnancy-related problems (difficulty getting pregnant, having a miscarriage, and INFERTILITY)


How is PCOS Diagnosed?

 If your health care provider suspects that you have PCOS, a series of tests to confirm your diagnosis is performed, including:

  • Physical examination
  • Pelvic exam
  • Blood tests (for cholesterol, glucose, and the level of androgens and testosterone)
  • Ultrasound (to assess the ovaries’ appearance and confirm the presence of the many ‘poly’ CYSTS)



If you have PCOS you are at a  HIGHER RISK for these other conditions as well:

  • Type II Diabetes
  • High blood pressure (including pregnancy-induced high blood pressure)
  • Cholesterol and lipid problems
  • Elevated levels of C-reactive protein (a cardiovascular disease marker)
  • LIVER INFLAMMATION caused by fat accumulation (FATTY LIVER)
  • Sleep apnea
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Cancer of the uterine lining (endometrial cancer) caused by high levels of ESTROGEN


What are the Treatments for PCOS?

CONVENTIONAL MEDICINE focuses on the management of the woman’s SYMPTOMS such as infertility, hirsutism, acne, and/or obesity.

The following are common CONVENTIONAL treatments for PCOS:

  • Hair removal
  • Birth Control: Birth control that has a combination of estrogen and progestin are commonly used to regulate the menstrual cycles of women with PCOS.
  • Anti-Androgen Drugs: These drugs can be used in combination with oral contraception to improve acne and/or to slow hair growth.
  • Metformin:  Usually used for diabetes, this drug attempts to improve the body’s response to insulin to help regulate the menstrual cycle.
  • Laparoscopic ovarian drilling: Used in extreme cases of PCOS, this surgery uses electricity or lasers to BURN HOLES IN THE FOLLICLES on the surface of the ovaries in order to induce ovulation.


Is PCOS Caused By Environment or Lifestyle?


There is some evidence that ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS play a role in disrupting reproductive health, and may affect the development of PCOS.

There is also evidence showing that PCOS symptoms are reduced with certain NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTION such as dietary supplements as well as with SUSTAINED WEIGHT LOSS among obese women.


The Role of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs)

EDCs are everywhere in our environment, including the containers that hold the food we eat and bottles that contain beverages we drink. They are even in our shampoo and our children’s toys.

Chemical TOXINS like BISPHENOL A (BPA), PHTHALATES, PESTICIDES, and industrial chemicals, MIMIC or interfere with the action of hormones in humans, and may be a contributing factor or CAUSE for diseases, including PCOS.

PCOS, Fertility, and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals

Women with PCOS should be concerned about exposure to EDCs, which can have a significant impact on increasing estrogen and testosterone, WEIGHT GAIN, and even GLUCOSE (SUGAR) METABOLISM.

Exposure to EDCs is known to affect INFERTILITY. A study involving women who underwent in vitro fertilization (IVF) from 2007 to 2012 found that the women with the HIGHEST EXPOSURE to BPA only had a 17 percent rate of pregnancy versus 54 percent of women who got pregnant with the LOWEST EXPOSURE.

What about Lifestyle changes?

Maintaining a healthy weight can help minimize PCOS symptoms and control diabetes. In addition, eating a diet with a lot of HIGH FIBER helps slow the digestive process and control blood sugar levels. EXERCISE helps lower blood sugar levels and can also help relieve symptoms.


How Do I Reduce My Exposure to TOXIC CHEMICALS?

While it’s impossible to completely eliminate your exposure to EDCs, it is advisable to REDUCE EXPOSURE to reduce your risk for diseases and other health-related problems. Pregnant women or women who are trying to conceive may be especially vigilant to reduce their exposure to EDCs.

To help reduce your exposure to EDCs, follow these tips:

  • Buy and eat organic produce as much as possible
  • Prepare fresh food instead of prepared foods in plastic containers
  • Replace plastic water bottles and containers with glass or stainless-steel ones
  • Buy foods that are in BPA free containers
  • When purchasing toys consider non-toxic, BPA-free or wooden toys
  • Never heat food in plastic containers in the microwave
  • Use tin foil instead of plastic wrap
  • Avoid handling paper receipts and wash hands well after touching them
  • Use phthalate and sulfate-free shampoos and makeup


What about the CHEMICALS/TOXINS that are ALREADY IN MY BODY and ACCUMULATE day after day?


Normally, your immune system defends against the daily assault of all ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS, but ONLY WHEN it is working correctly and NOT being OVERWHELMED by the extremely high TOXIC BURDEN all around us.

Failure of your body’s natural ability to detoxify itself from toxins results in health issues including, but not limited to, PCOS.

Supporting the body’s ability to bind to and eliminate toxins is a key part of healing from TOXIC CHEMICAL exposure.

So, you MUST support your body’s natural detoxification and drainage systems.

New, emerging technology, designed to help remove ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS/TOXINS and SUPPORTING DRAINAGE systems (your body’s NATURAL ability to eliminate poisons from itself) are necessary to successfully recover from this kind of toxicity.

Let’s examine this more closely…

How do I get rid of these toxins in my body?

Special agents that BIND toxins in the gut and in other tissues so they can be more easily excreted are required to remove these POISONS from your body.

An excellent, natural REMEDY for BINDING environmental toxins is called Carbon Technology

Made of specially-selected and precisely-formulated extracts of fulvic and humic acids, Carbon Technology uses these natural substances to tightly BIND toxins to help remove them from your body via stools.

The fulvic and humic acids in Carbon Technology have advantages to binders like activated charcoal and bentonite clay, two common binders, discussed below.

One big advantage is that Carbon Technology can travel beyond the gut.

Also, fulvic and humic acid extracts are a good source of nutrition, including amino acids, phytochemicals and minerals.  This is good since cells damaged by pesticides and environmental chemicals NEED TO SELF-REPAIR.


There Is Hope

In conclusion, ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS are difficult to avoid completely and impacts many disorders beyond PCOS, including heart disease, obesity, autoimmune disorders and even brain or neurological problems.

So, if you’ve ever asked “What is my doctor missing?” and suspect that other factors such as LIFESTYLE, NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES OR ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS may be a part of YOUR persistent, unresolved health challenges such as PCOS, do NOT give up.

 This is where ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTATION can be helpful.

It’s important to work with an experienced practitioner who can recommend the right supplements designed to remove these toxins directly.

The good news is that there are doctors with specialized knowledge who are ready with a science-backed action plan to DETECT AND CORRECT TOXICITY.

Addressing these LIFESTYLE and ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS will take you from TOXICITY to PURITY, and allow you to get back to looking, feeling and functioning at your best, without the problems associated with PCOS.