Best Holistic Medicine Doctors in New Jersey for a Balanced Life

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in WHOLISTIC MEDICINE. Therefore, WHOLISTIC DOCTORS have emerged as essential healthcare providers. This article explores the medical approaches, training and education, benefits and challenges of wholistic doctors and their impact on patient-centered care. Let’s delve deeper into Wholistic Doctors: Bridging the Gap between Conventional and Alternative Medicine.

Holistic medicine is an approach that considers the WHOLE person – MIND, BODY, SPIRIT and emotions – in the quest for optimal health and well-being.

Holistic medicine is an approach that considers the WHOLE person – MIND, BODY, SPIRIT and emotions – in the quest for optimal health and well-being.


Bringing a fresh approach to your health

Your experience at Cary Holistic Health will be different than anything you’ve experienced in your healthcare journey before. We combine the latest science with the tried and true teachings of naturopathic medicine. Here’s how we do it:


Naturopathic assessment


The root cause of disease


The obstacles that interfere with health


Your naturopathic plan

The Role of Conventional Medicine

Conventional medicine, with its emphasis on PHARMACEUTICAL interventions, plays a vital role in diagnosing and treating ACUTE medical conditions. It excels in SURGICAL procedures, EMERGENCY care, and specialized treatments. However, it has limitations when it comes to CHRONIC DEGENERATIVE DISEASE, MENTAL HEALTH, and PREVENTIVE care.

Herbal Remedies for Thyroid Imbalance

The Rise of Alternative Medicine

Recently, there has been a significant rise in the popularity and acceptance of alternative medicine approaches, such as ACUPUNCTURE, HERBAL MEDICINE, TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE, CHIROPRACTIC CARE, FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE and ENERGY HEALING.

This shift in patient preferences has led to the integration of conventional and alternative practices, giving rise to the need for wholistic doctors.

Understanding Wholistic Doctors

Wholistic doctors, also known as integrative medicine practitioners, are healthcare professionals who combine conventional medical knowledge with alternative and complementary therapies. By integrating conventional and alternative approaches, they aim to provide personalized, patient-centered care that addresses the ROOT CAUSES of illness and promotes overall well-being.

Training and Education

To become a CONVENTIONALLY TRAINED wholistic doctor, individuals typically need to complete medical school and obtain a Doctor of Medicine (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) degree.

Additionally, they pursue further training in integrative medicine, gaining knowledge and skills in areas such as nutrition, mind-body medicine, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and other holistic modalities.

This integrative approach aims to optimize patient outcomes by addressing the underlying causes of illness while minimizing potential side effects and maximizing the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

Wholistic Doctors in Practice

Holistic doctors can be found in various healthcare settings, including private practices, integrative medicine centers, hospitals, and wellness clinics. They collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as primary care physicians, specialists, and therapists, to ensure a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. This collaborative approach fosters trust, improves treatment adherence, and enhances overall patient satisfaction where patients feel heard, respected, and empowered.

Benefits of Wholistic Medicine

Wholistic medicine offers several benefits to individuals seeking comprehensive and personalized healthcare. Firstly, it focuses on PREVENTION and WELLNESS PROTOCOLS, empowering individuals to take an active role in their own health.

Secondly, it provides a wider range of treatment options, considering not only pharmaceutical interventions but also NATURAL AND LIFESTYLE-BASED approaches.

Thirdly, it recognizes the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional well-being, addressing the root causes of illness rather than merely treating symptoms.

Lastly, holistic medicine promotes a more INTEGRATIVE and COLLABORATIVE approach among healthcare providers, enhancing overall patient care and outcomes.

Challenges and Criticisms

Despite its growing popularity, wholistic medicine also faces certain challenges and criticisms. One common criticism is the lack of standardized regulations and licensing for alternative therapies, which can lead to variations in the quality and safety of treatments. Skeptics argue that some alternative therapies lack scientific evidence and may give false hope to patients.

It is important for wholistic doctors and practitioners to stay updated with the latest research and adhere to evidence-based practices to ensure patient safety and promote credibility within the medical community.

The Importance of a Healthy Diet for Thyroid Function

Wholistic Medicine for Chronic Conditions

Holistic medicine offers promising approaches for managing chronic conditions, such as DIABETES, CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS, and CHRONIC PAIN.

They may incorporate DIETARY changes, STRESS management techniques, EXERCISE programs, and alternative therapies to support the body’s natural healing processes and promote optimal health and reduce the reliance on long-term medication use.

Wholistic Medicine for Mental Health

Holistic doctors recognize the complex interplay between the mind, body, and emotions and acknowledge the impact of psychological factors on overall health. They may employ various modalities, including counseling MINDFULLNESS PRACTICES, stress reduction techniques, and nutritional interventions to support mental and emotional well-being. This holistic approach to mental health promotes a deeper understanding of the individual’s unique needs and fosters resilience, self-awareness, and personal growth.

Holistic Medicine for Preventive Care

Preventive care is a cornerstone of holistic medicine. Holistic doctors focus on empowering individuals to make proactive lifestyle choices that promote health and well-being. They emphasize the importance of nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, and other preventive measures to optimize health outcomes and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. By addressing the root causes of potential imbalances, holistic medicine aims to prevent illness before it occurs, promoting longevity and overall vitality.


ALL of these CAUSES are the drivers of chronic disease.

The conventional medical approach focuses on symptoms and identifies the name of the disease and trying to match a drug to the name.

This is the ‘A specific pill for every ill’ approach.

There is a big difference between the DETECTION and CORRECTION of CAUSES versus the DIAGNOSIS (labeling) and TREATMENT (suppression) of SYMPTOMS.

The Importance of Sleep for Optimal Thyroid Function

The NEW way of Taking Care of You

So, how does this affect how Functional Medicine/Wholistic Doctors take care of patients?

The biggest difference is that we use a different set of tools that are based on first IDENTIFYING and then ADDRESSING these CAUSES.

So, if FOOD (DIET) AND NUTRITION is major contributor/CAUSE of heart disease (and it most DEFINITELY IS), we use diet not only to prevent heart disease but to address and reverse it.

If FOOD is the driver of INFLAMMATION, then we use it to help cool the inflammation to reverse it in the body.

For example, if someone has an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE and GLUTEN exacerbates the inflammatory response of their immune system, then their symptoms are worsened when they eat gluten and it shows up in their body as JOINT PAIN.

If someone has a TOXIN that’s driving their immune system or that’s causing mitochondria injury leading to brain dysfunction, we help the body remove the toxin to improve the detoxification of the body.

So, we use the same concepts of science but we reframe it in a way that prioritizes the cause rather than the symptom.

Functional Medicine is medicine that helps you understand the CAUSE of disease.

What Is My Doctor Missing? I Feel Lousy – He Says I’m Fine

If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, you’re not alone in your frustration and the answer may surprise you.

The good news is that doctors better equipped and better trained to be medical detectives use more complete, cutting-edge tools and tests to uncover common, but virtually ignored CAUSES of many of your persistent, poor health problems.


  • If you have no ENERGY, are losing your hair, are constipated, have brain fog or NO libido…
  • If you CAN NOT lose weight no matter what.
  • If you STILL have SYMPTOMS, there IS a problem.
  • So, if you’ve asked ‘What is my doctor missing?’

What Questions Should I Ask My Holistic Medicine Doctor?

Treatment under holistic medicine is entirely subjective so there are no such pre-noted questions to ask your doctor. It solely depends on your unique health condition and accordingly addressing the issues. Those who are new to the world of holistic treatment may focus on queries including:

  • Details of the diagnosis, including approx number of therapy sessions, medical tests needed or not, and approx time period for the treatment.
  • Taking advice for managing the existing symptoms.
  • Whether a second opinion from other alternative medical professionals or a holistic doctor is needed or not!
  • How critical is the present health condition?
  • Any side effects of the therapy session or the recommended medications?
  • Asking for follow-up appointments with the holistic medical expert if needed!

But that’s not the only specifics you should ask your integrative medical practitioner. To get the best out of your treatment from a holistic medical doctor in New Jersey, US you should be an engaging patient.

Patient’s Role in Holistic Medicine Treatment

To be a good patient in holistic treatment is not about passively listening to the doctor’s suggestion. It’s about having an engaging talk with your physician and developing a friendly bond eventually.

Rather than feeling embarrassed or reserved to talk about your health problems, as a holistic treatment patient, you need to be honest and open up your concerns freely. Here are some tips, on how to become an engaging patient too:

  • You can talk to other patients with the same condition before continuing with your holistic medicine doctor.
  • Prepare a list of your concerns, so you don’t miss out a point beforehand.
  • You can bring your friend or someone dear to you to remind you about your problems.
  • Bring your past relatable prescriptions, present medications, and the current list of symptoms you are facing.
  • Try not to miss your appointments, because incremental changes happen with every consultation with the holistic doctors.

 Given that the professional holistic doctor in New Jersey, can only help you with the information you share with them, don’t hold back anything. The patients on the other hand have to be honest about their problems and develop ties with their medical service providers.


Are wholistic doctors recognized by mainstream medicine?

While wholistic medicine is gaining recognition and acceptance, there are variations in how wholistic doctors are perceived within the mainstream medical community. However, many conventional medical institutions are incorporating integrative medicine departments and collaborating with holistic doctors to provide comprehensive care.

Can holistic medicine be used alongside conventional treatments?

Yes, wholistic medicine can be used in conjunction with conventional treatments. Wholistic doctors often collaborate with other healthcare providers to develop personalized treatment plans that integrate the best of both conventional and alternative approaches.

Are alternative therapies safe?

The safety of alternative therapies can vary. It is important to consult with a qualified wholistic doctor who can guide you in choosing safe and evidence-based therapies. Additionally, it is essential to inform your primary care physician about any alternative treatments you are considering or currently undergoing.

How can I find a wholistic doctor?

You can start by researching local integrative medicine centers, wholistic clinics, or private practices that specialize in wholistic medicine. It is advisable to seek recommendations from trusted healthcare professionals or friends who have had positive experiences with holistic doctors.

Is holistic medicine covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for holistic medicine can vary depending on the specific treatment, the insurance provider, and the policy. It is recommended to contact your insurance company to inquire about coverage for specific holistic services or consult with the holistic doctor’s office directly.

Feel Free to Give Us a Call or Send Us an Email with Your Questions

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Advanced Integrated Health


i442 Morris Ave, Springfield, NJ 07081

Monday 7 AM-8 PM
Tuesday 7 AM-8 PM
Wednesday 7 AM-8 PM
Thursday 7 AM-8 PM
Friday 7 AM-8 PM
Saturday 8 AM-12 PM
Sunday Closed


Dr. Robert White, D.C.

Dr. Bob was born and raised in Florham Park, New Jersey.

He received his degree in Mechanical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and had a successful landscaping business upon graduating.

Get in touch to book your first appointment

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia.