Home 9 Health & Wellness Blog Updates | Advanced Integrated Health 9 WHAT IS THE BEST DIET TO HELP HASHIMOTO’S DISEASE?


Jan 31, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog Updates | Advanced Integrated Health

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The THYROID gland plays a major role in METABOLISM, HORMONAL ACTIVITY, and BODY TEMPERATURE REGULATION. HASHIMOTO’S disease, also known as HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS (INFLAMMATION of the thyroid) or just simply HASHIMOTO’S, is the leading CAUSE of hypothyroidism, an underactive (sluggish) thyroid. The disease is normally progressive, which means symptoms will get worse over time, unless OPTIMAL thyroid function is enhanced through OPTIMAL nutrition. Therefore, THE BEST DIET TO HELP HASHIMOTO’S DISEASE  must include an individualized approach to nourishing your body.

NO ONE, SINGLE DIET will ever prove to treat EVERYONE with Hashimoto’s.

However, compelling research has shown that SPECIFIC NUTRIENTS and FOODS are helpful for AUTOIMMUNE CONDITIONS, including HASHIMOTO’S.

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 In this article, you will learn the absolute BEST FOODS TO EAT as well as the absolute BEST FOODS TO AVOID in order to help the often stubborn, persistent symptoms of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.


Hashimoto’s Disease and AUTOIMMUNITY


In HASHIMOTO’S your body’s own IMMUNE SYSTEM is attacking your thyroid. That is why it is considered an AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE. In fact, although most people are not familiar with it, HASHIMOTO’S is the MOST common autoimmune condition.

This attack by your body interferes with the thyroid gland’s ability to secrete essential hormones, resulting in classic HYPOTHYROID SYMPTOMS including weight gain (and the inability to lose weight no matter how little you eat or how much you exercise), constipation, exhaustion, brain fog, anxiety or depression, hair loss (or thinning, brittle hair), dry skin and sensitivity to cold.


NUTRITION, INFLAMMATION and Hashimoto’s Disease


In Conventional Medicine, while doctors can accurately diagnose the malfunctioning gland and the out-of-control immune system, the underlying or ROOT CAUSE is often ignored.

In other words, WHY is your immune system attacking itself?

The role of nutrition, for example, is rarely if ever mentioned.

Hashimoto’s disease is often addressed by a prescription SYNTHETIC THYROID MEDICATION. Thyroid hormone replacement medications are designed to help the symptoms, and that’s how the disease is managed, usually for life, often with mediocre success.

In FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE, we understand that this doesn’t treat the underlying problem (the autoimmune process that CAUSES the body to attack the thyroid).

In Functional Medicine, there is great emphasis on the power of WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION. However, there is rarely a single prescribed BEST DIET for Hashimoto’s, as NO ONE DIET will ever prove to treat EVERYONE with any particular AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE.

It’s unclear what causes the autoimmune response, but INFLAMMATION in the gut causing INTESTINAL PERMEABILITY, also known as LEAKY GUT, plays a major role.

Even though there isn’t a single recommendation for everyone with every autoimmune disease, many people are learning about and investigating the influence of GLUTEN on their health.

Recent research has linked GLUTEN, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, with the production of another protein called ZONULIN in the intestine.

ZONULIN affects the ‘TIGHT JUNCTIONS’, the spaces between cells in the intestine. This allows increased absorption of substances into the bloodstream, where they should NOT be. This INTESTINAL PERMEABILITY causes your immune system to see these ordinary substances as ‘foreign proteins’, triggering an immune response. Eventually, it goes wild and starts attacking healthy tissue, in this case, your thyroid.




The best diet for Hashimoto’s is one that is high in whole, unprocessed foods, including high-fiber fruits, vegetables; healthy fats; and lean proteins. In other words, REAL foods that basically come right from the earth without having to be changed too much from its original form.

Of course, even these healthy foods may be problematic for some people with specific food SENSITIVITIES or INTOLERANCES. Effective lab testing, or careful monitoring by a FOOD JOURNAL can discover these HIDDEN TRIGGERS.



MOST people with Hashimoto’s also experience persistent food sensitivities, or food ‘intolerances’ to GLUTEN. This is not quite as severe as CELIAC DISEASE in most cases. However, for all intent and purposes, the symptoms can be just as relentless and problematic.

The main symptoms of constipation, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, acid reflux, gas, fatigue, headaches and brain fog are the most common unwanted reactions to GLUTEN.

Clinically, virtually ALL of our clients who (diligently) go gluten-free start to feel and function MUCH better. Improvements in digestion, mood, energy, brain fog, sleep and weight are common.

Gluten is commonly found in pasta, bread, baked goods, beer, soups, and cereals. The best way to go gluten-free is to focus on foods that are naturally gluten-free, such as vegetables, fruits, clean animal proteins, seafood, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and eggs.



A grain-free diet is just like gluten-free, except ALL grains are eliminated, too. These grains include:

  • buckwheat
  • amaranth
  • quinoa
  • millet
  • oats


The Paleo diet attempts to mimic the eating style of our early (PALEOlithic) ancestors, with an emphasis on whole, unprocessed foods.

Grains, dairy, potatoes, beans, lentils, refined sugar, and refined oils are not allowed.

Cage-free and grass-fed meats are encouraged, as are vegetables, seeds, seafood, and good fats, such as avocado and olive oil.

The Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) diet aims to decrease foods that may cause INFLAMMATION and damage to the GUT LINING. It begins with the basic principles of the Paleo diet but also eliminates problematic foods for these sensitive people, including the NIGHTSHADE VEGETABLES, such as tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplant.

It also eliminates foods that are normally healthy for most people, but often are not for sensitive AUTOIMMUNE cases. This includes foods like eggs, nuts, and seeds.



A LOW GLYCEMIC index or diet is based on an index that measures how each food affects a person’s blood sugar levels, specifically your hormone INSULIN.



For people who hate DIETS and do NOT want to focus on what foods to AVOID or ELIMINATE, then simply choosing NUTRIENT DENSE foods is the best option.

Focus on WHOLE FOOD with a WIDE SELECTION of colorful fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, CLEAN ANIMAL PROTEINS, and COMPLEX (HIGH FIBER) CARBOHYDRATES. Foods include:

  • leafy greens, such spinach, Swiss chard, kale and arugula
  • fatty fish, including tuna, salmon, and mackerel
  • MOST cruciferous vegetables, such as brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower, plus carrots, beets, and red, yellow, and orange peppers
  • fruits, including ALL berries, apples, and citrus fruits like lemons and limes.
  • Healthy fats, including nuts and seeds such as walnuts and pumpkin
  • lean proteins, including poultry, grass-fed beef, eggs, nuts, fish and seafood

Emphasizing these foods will leave less room for processed and refined sugar foods such as white flour foods like white bread, white pasta, white rice and all pastries, cookies, cakes, muffins, pancakes and cereals.

  • ANTI-INFLAMMATORY spices such as turmeric, basil, cinnamon, garlic and ginger are also healing for the GUT. These herbs and spices have potent anti-inflammatory benefits.




Research suggests that certain nutrients also play a role in Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as there are SPECIFIC nutrients which are important for the overall function of the thyroid gland.

Here are the main nutrients of concern and what to eat for Hashimoto’s so you can make sure you are getting enough of these critical nutrients.


Vitamin D

Several studies have found a link between low VITAMIN D levels and Hashimoto’s. Vitamin D can be produced in the body during sun exposure or consumed through food, ALTHOUGH THIS IS DIFFICULT.

Supplementation of this extremely important VITAMIN, is imperative, especially during the winter months.

As many adults now spend most of their days indoors, low vitamin D levels are becoming more common.

Just a few minutes of REASONABLE sun exposure 2-3 TIMES to the FULL BODY without TOXIC sunscreen usually leads to sufficient vitamin D.

If consistent, REASONABLE sun exposure is not possible, it is a good idea to take supplements since very few foods contain adequate amounts of vitamin D.

The best FOOD SOURCES of vitamin D include:

  • cod liver oil
  • swordfish
  • salmon
  • tuna
  • sardines
  • mushrooms

Thyroid LOVES Selenium

Low selenium levels are common in many people with Hashimoto’s. Selenium is an essential trace mineral important for brain function, immunity, and fertility.

The highest amount of selenium found in the body is stored in the THYROID GLAND.  Selenium supplementation can be beneficial for people with thyroid trouble.

Best food sources of selenium:

  • liver
  • oysters
  • Brazil nuts
  • halibut
  • sardines
  • grass-fed beef
  • sunflower seeds
  • eggs



  • Zinc deficiency is common in Hashimoto’s – it is important for the health of gut cells as well as immune function. Deficiency can also lead to hair loss. Zinc is needed for thyroid hormone production, so get more from flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, nuts, legumes and whole grains.



  • Magnesium deficiency is common. Magnesium is found is nuts, seeds, cooked spinach, legumes and whole grains.



  • Eating iron-rich foods will help you prevent deficiency.


While NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY is a main CAUSE of poor thyroid and immune health, it is only ONE part of the equation.

TOXICITY is the second main CAUSE.


The Ultimate KEY to TOXICITY –



Normally, your immune system defends us against any foreign invaders but ONLY WHEN it is working correctly and NOT being OVERWHELMED by the extremely high TOXIC BURDEN all around us.

Failure of this ability to detoxify toxins results in health issues.

Supporting the body’s ability to bind to and eliminate toxins is a key part of healing from environmental toxicity exposure.

This is where ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTATION can be helpful.

It’s important to work with an experienced practitioner who can recommend the right supplements designed to remove these toxins directly.

So, you MUST support your body’s natural detoxification and drainage systems.

New, emerging technology, designed to help combat PESTICIDE ACCUMULATION by BINDING TOXINS, increasing oxygen, enhancing your liver and thyroid, and SUPPORTING DRAINAGE systems (your body’s NATURAL ability to eliminate poisons from itself) are necessary to successfully recover from this kind of toxicity.

Let’s examine this more closely…


How do I get rid of these toxins in my body?


Special agents are required for this. They BIND toxins in the gut and in other tissues so they can be more easily excreted.

An excellent, natural REMEDY for BINDING environmental toxins is Carbon Technology

Made of specially-selected and precisely-formulated extracts of fulvic and humic acids, Carbon Technology uses these natural substances to tightly BIND toxins to help remove them from your body via stools.

The fulvic and humic acids in Carbon Technology have advantages to binders like activated charcoal and bentonite clay, two common binders. One big advantage is that Carbon Technology can travel beyond the gut.

Also, fulvic and humic acid extracts are a good source of nutrition, including amino acids, phytochemicals and minerals.  This is good since cells damaged by pesticides and environmental chemicals NEED TO SELF-REPAIR.

BOOST energy, oxygen levels, and thyroid function

As you know, GLYPHOSATE can GREATLY DAMAGE mitochondria. BROKEN mitochondria result in LESS cellular ENERGY and that definitely hampers your ability to DETOX.

It can also crush OXYGEN levels. Mitochondria need oxygen to generate energy efficiently.

Supplements formulated with fulvic acid extracts designed to enhance ATP production (your body’s ENERGY source) and thyroid metabolism greatly enhance your detoxification potential.

Support the LIVER

Even though the liver is the body’s main detox organ, environmental chemicals and pesticides, especially GLYPHOSATE, often cause damage to liver cells.

Fortunately, a substance called TUDCA— a naturally present bile acid — helps support the liver. Available in supplement form, it helps:

  • Enhance liver function and bile flow
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Increase mitochondrial function
  • Provide antioxidant protection

You can see, the correct supplements and botanicals are KEY to solving the ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS and PESTICIDE problem.

Don’t SWEAT it. Correction: SWEAT it out!

TOXIC CHEMICALS and PESTICIDES have been found in human AND animal sweat.

You will reduce overall toxin burden if you sweat.

This can be accomplished efficiently with an INFRARED SAUNA or with regular physical activity.

Also, it is crucial to keep up your water intake as well.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.




Because pesticides can inhibit the immune system, OTHER chronic infections — such as PARASITES AND VIRUSES — may more easily take hold in your body.

It becomes a vicious cycle because then these PARASITES make the body more vulnerable to chemical and pesticide toxicity.

Either way, removing unwanted PARASITES from the body helps reduce the STRESS on the immune system, which is important in any and ALL AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE, including HASIMOTO’S


There Is Hope


In conclusion, people with Hashimoto’s should be open to trying different FOOD PLANS until they find the one that makes them feel best. They should also make sure they get all of the essential nutrients best suited for AUTOIMMUNITY.

So, if you’ve ever asked “What is my doctor missing?” and suspect that NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCIES or TOXICITY may be a part of YOUR persistent HYPOTHYROID (AUTOIMMUNE) challenges, do NOT give up.

 While a GLUTEN-FREE or AUTOIMMUNE PROTOCOL may help alleviate symptoms for some, DIET ALONE may be not sufficient.

In fact, clinically it rarely is enough.

This is where a proven FOOD PLAN along with ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTATION can be helpful.

It’s important to work with an experienced practitioner who can recommend the right supplements designed to bring you from DEFICIENCY to SUFFICIENCY as well as to REMOVE TOXICITY directly.

The good news is that there are doctors with specialized knowledge who are ready with a science-backed action plan to DETECT AND CORRECT BOTH DEFICIENCY and TOXICITY.

Addressing these allow you to get back to looking, feeling and functioning at your best, and greatly IMPROVE your THYROID HEALTH.