An estimated 20 million people in the United States have some type of thyroid disorder. Although all of the causes of thyroid disease remain unknown, researchers have begun to uncover mounting evidence that one major, primary cause is nutritional deficiencies. The impact of diet on thyroid health cannot be overstated. In addition, exposure to environmental chemicals (including pesticides), as well as to pathogens (including mold), maybe another major factor linked to unresolved thyroid problems.
How Does My Thyroid Affect My Health
Thyroid Health 101
The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. It plays a vital role in the proper functioning of your hormonal or endocrine system. The thyroid makes hormones that control how effectively you burn calories for energy. In other words, your metabolism. Thyroid hormones are chemical messengers that affect all the cells of your body. The two main hormones are known as T4 and T3. T4 is called inactive hormone because it must be converted to the active form, called T3.
Thyroid hormones are responsible for many critical functions in the body. Together, they work to regulate essential aspects of metabolism such as your heart rate, energy, fatigue, brain function, weight stability, and more.
The two main forms of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism, also called a slow or underactive thyroid, occurs when the body doesn’t release sufficient levels of thyroid hormones. Your metabolism slows down, you feel fatigued and you often gain weight, among other symptoms.
In hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid, the gland produces high levels of hormones. This condition is less common and speeds up your metabolism. However, it is potentially dangerous as it also causes other symptoms like weight loss, rapid heartbeat, and insomnia.
Two major thyroid diseases are autoimmune-related (Hashimoto’s and Graves). In autoimmunity, the reason you are having thyroid problems is that your immune system is confused and attacks the gland! According to the American Thyroid Association, people with thyroid problems (and their doctors) find it difficult to realize they have the disease because symptoms are often attributed to other health conditions and because the symptoms vary greatly from person to person. Fortunately, the problem of poor thyroid function can be solved if you know the most effective nutrition to strive for, strategies to manage stress, and cutting-edge technology proven to remove the toxic substances that negatively affect thyroid function.
Recognizing Thyroid Disease Symptoms
Hypothyroid – Is This Your Broken Metabolism?
We all know people who can eat whatever they want, and yet they never seem to gain weight. You, on the other hand, just look at food (from across the street) yet continue to gain weight! What’s the difference? Certainly, low thyroid function is one of the many reasons for a poor (or slow) metabolism.
Many people (including those diagnosed with hypothyroidism) are unaware that low thyroid function frequently occurs when the body attacks its own thyroid gland. The confused immune system forms antibodies against its own normal thyroid tissue, negatively affecting thyroid hormone production and resulting in low thyroid function and subsequent symptoms. This Situation is Called Autoimmune or Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
Dr. Bob was born and raised in Florham Park, New Jersey.
He loved the philosophy of vitalism, which teaches about the incredible, innate intelligence of our bodies and its power to self-heal when given the opportunity.