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Treatment plans for Hypothyroidism.

Dec 28, 2023 | Health & Wellness Blog Updates | Advanced Integrated Health | 0 comments

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Treatment plans for hypothyroidism

When we think of health, we often focus on aspects like heart health, managing blood sugar, digestion, obesity, or mental wellness. however, an integral part of our overall well-being rests with a small, butterfly-shaped gland in our neck. this is the mighty thyroid.

Hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormones, affects millions of people worldwide. A deficiency of these hormones can lead to various health issues, including metabolism, heart rate, and body temperature regulation. understanding the treatment options available for hypothyroidism is essential for managing the condition effectively.

In this detailed guide, we outline several key factors to consider when searching for effective treatment plans for hypothyroidism.

How Does The Thyroid Gland Affect My Health?

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck. it plays a vital role in the proper functioning of your hormonal or endocrine system. thyroid hormones are chemical messengers that affect all the cells of your body. together, they work to regulate essential aspects of metabolism such as your heart rate, energy, fatigue, brain function, weight, and more.

The Two Main Hormones are Known as T4 and T3.

T4 is called inactive hormone because it must be converted to the active form, called T3. The two main forms of thyroid disease are hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism, also called a slow or underactive thyroid, occurs when the body doesn’t release sufficient levels of these thyroid hormones. Your metabolism slows down, you feel fatigued, and you often gain weight, among other symptoms.

In hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid, the gland produces high levels of hormones. this condition is less common and speeds up your metabolism. however, it is potentially dangerous as it also causes other symptoms like weight loss, rapid heartbeat, and insomnia.

Two major thyroid diseases are autoimmune related. In autoimmunity, which is the main cause of most thyroid problems, the reason you are having trouble is because your immune system is confused and attacks the thyroid gland! the two autoimmune thyroid diseases are Hashimoto’s and Grave’s disease. hashimoto’s, or hypothyroidism, is the most common autoimmune disease by far.

Types of Thyroid Doctors

The Role of an Endocrinologist

Endocrinologists are physicians whose expertise lies in understanding hormones. hormones are chemical messengers that are produced in specialized tissues known as glands. they travel through the blood to affect the function of specific target cells. These hormones control many aspects of your life, including metabolism, reproduction, growth, sleep, and mood. They play an indispensable role in ensuring your overall health and well-being. If these biochemical messengers are not functioning correctly, it may lead to conditions (often severe) requiring the intervention of a specialist – an endocrinologist. regarding the thyroid, an endocrinologist diagnoses and treats conditions related to our thyroid and its effect on many aspects of our metabolism.


Surgeons play a crucial role when thyroid disorders require surgical intervention. They can perform surgeries ranging from partial to total thyroidectomies, depending on the severity of the condition.

Symptoms and Potential Future Problems of Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s

Possible Symptoms and Potential Future Problems of Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s

Unfortunately, thyroid conditions are often missed or misdiagnosed because symptoms are often attributed to other health conditions and because the symptoms vary greatly from person to person. So, let’s review the symptoms of a malfunctioning thyroid.

9 Warning Signs & Symptoms of Low Thyroid in Most Cases

it is an autoimmune disease known as Hashimoto’s which causes low thyroid activity:

  • Always cold, cold hands and feet.
  • Tired/sluggish – requires excessive amounts of sleep/naps.
  • Gain weight easily even with a low-calorie diet and exercise.
  • Difficult, infrequent bowel movements – constipation.
  • Depression/lack of motivation.
  • Headaches in the morning that go away later on in the day.
  • Thinning of hair/hair loss on the scalp and face, especially the outer third of the eyebrow.
  • Dryness of skin/scalp.
  • Mental sluggishness/brain fog.

The Need for Comprehensive Testing

What’s even more frustrating is the fact that many people are never even diagnosed with hypothyroidism to begin with, due to incomplete testing and misunderstanding of the disease. for example, It is extremely common for a person (this is much more common in women) to have many of the low thyroid symptoms above and be told by their endocrinologist: “Your lab tests are normal, you’re fine.”

This is massively frustrating. not only do they have the classic signs of low thyroid and are told they are fine, but in most cases, they may actually have an autoimmune disease. So, there are millions of individuals who have undiagnosed hypothyroidism, (90% of which are actually Hashimoto’s) and don’t even know it!

Conventional Treatment Methods

Treatment Plans

Depending on the diagnosis, a thyroid doctor might prescribe medication to regulate thyroid hormone levels, known as thyroid hormone replacement therapy. The most commonly prescribed medication is levothyroxine, a synthetic form of T4. it’s important to note that this treatment doesn’t cure hypothyroidism but helps to manage the symptoms by restoring hormone levels.

Dosage and Monitoring

The dosage of levothyroxine varies depending on the individual’s age, weight, severity of the condition, and other health factors. Regular blood tests are necessary to monitor thyroid hormone levels and adjust the dosage accordingly.

Side Effects of Levothyroxine

While levothyroxine is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience side effects, particularly when starting the treatment or if the dosage is not properly adjusted. common side effects include:

  • Heart palpitations.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Insomnia.
  • Headaches.
  • Long-term misuse or overuse can lead to osteoporosis or heart problems.

Alternative Medications

Some patients might not respond well to levothyroxine or have allergies to certain ingredients. In such cases, alternatives like liothyronine (synthetic T3) or natural desiccated thyroid (NDT) extracts, which contain a combination of T3 and T4, may be prescribed.

liothyronine and NDT can also have side effects, similar to levothyroxine, and their use should be monitored closely.

Lifestyle and Dietary Considerations

Alongside medication, lifestyle, and diet can help manage hypothyroidism. This includes:

  • A balanced diet rich in iodine, selenium, and zinc
  • Regular exercise to boost metabolism
  • Avoiding foods that can interfere with thyroid function, like soy and certain vegetables

Complementary Therapies

Some individuals may explore complementary therapies like acupuncture or yoga. While these may help with symptom relief, they should not replace conventional treatments.

In addition to hormone replacement, your doctor may suggest surgery to remove all or part of the thyroid gland. Radiation therapy could be another option, particularly in cases of thyroid cancer.


Regular follow-ups are essential to monitor the progress of treatment and make any necessary adjustments. This ensures a patient-centric approach that values continuous care.

Patient Education

A crucial aspect of a thyroid doctor’s role is to educate patients about their conditions. This knowledge empowers patients to take active roles in their healthcare, contributing to better long-term outcomes.

Functional Medicine

The holistic approach to unresolved thyroid functional or foundational medicine is an exciting, emerging field of medicine best described as the new science of biology, the real understanding of how our bodies work, why they break down and how to restore function and optimize health. It goes beyond the ‘suppression of symptoms’ of conventional medicine to uncover the root causes of your health issues by looking at your whole body and your environment. Functional medicine practitioners are often the first and only healthcare providers to order comprehensive tests that find the problems when others have missed it over and over again.

Pioneering Practices

The natural thyroid doctor’s approach the functional medicine approach is firmly rooted in a holistic perspective that targets these underlying deficiencies and toxicities, rather than merely alleviating symptoms. This involves an in-depth evaluation of the patient’s lifestyle, nutrition, genetics, and environmental factors.

3 Key Services to Support Thyroid

The 3 essential, customized plans for the thyroid patient include:

Personalized Food Plans

There are certain substances that everyone needs for their body to function optimally. In unresolved thyroid disease, especially autoimmune thyroid (Hashimoto’s), essential nutrients are often missing. also, food sensitivities and allergies must be solved.

Advanced Whole Food Supplements

Over fifty percent of Americans take a nutritional supplement, but the majority don’t know why. consulting with a functional medicine practitioner to determine your nutrient needs via vitamin and mineral deficiencies through the appropriate lab work (rarely done in conventional medicine) is key.

Whole Body, Cellular Detoxification Programs

In conventional medicine, the devastating role of environmental toxins, including pesticides, heavy metals, and environmental chemicals is virtually ignored. however, in functional medicine, the problem of toxicity is acknowledged and tackled head-on.

Toxicity Fun Facts

We come in contact with 84,000 chemicals a year, and only 1% of those have been tested for safety! Not only are we in danger from man-made chemicals, but our food supply is so toxic that it contributes to the pollution of our bodies. Toxins in lotions, creams, plastics, makeup, toothpaste, etc. all end up inside your body! toxins increase liver stress and reduce toxin breakdown and elimination. Your liver doesn’t know what to do with all these toxic food additives. This means that you cannot effectively get rid of excess hormones and toxins. the liver requires extra nutritional support to clear these toxins from your body. No drug can provide this.

Toxins Cause Inflammation

Toxins increase inflammation which can interfere with or interrupt the proper production of essential thyroid hormones. These 3 pillars are the foundation that a natural thyroid doctor designs for a comprehensive and dynamic approach to customized treatment protocols tailored to each patient’s needs.

Final Words

Understanding the symptoms of thyroid disease can be the first step toward seeking appropriate medical care. It’s crucial to remember that thyroid diseases are treatable, and with the right approach, one can live a healthy and active life. The good news is that there are doctors with specialized knowledge who are ready with a science-backed action plan to get back to looking, feeling, and functioning at your best.


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