The Tongue-Thyroid Connection

The Tongue-Thyroid Connection

As strange as it may seem, your TONGUE can reveal a lot about your health, including your THYROID FUNCTION. This article will discuss the various signs and symptoms of thyroid issues that can be detected by examining the tongue, and provide insight into how you can...
Thyroid Hormone Replacement Risks

Thyroid Hormone Replacement Risks

This article will discuss the potential DANGERS OF TOO MUCH thyroid medication. Understanding thyroid hormone replacement risks is an important part of managing your dosage effectively. The topics covered include: The role of thyroid medication in treating...
Is Yellow Skin Around Eyes Linked to Thyroid?

Is Yellow Skin Around Eyes Linked to Thyroid?

Causes of Yellow Skin YELLOW SKIN, particularly around the eyes, can be an indication that something is not functioning correctly within your body. Several factors might contribute to this change in skin pigmentation. Noticing any alterations in your skin color,...